Beautifully Created Image

May & June Post

Hello to all my beautifully created image readers. Can you believe June is almost gone and another month is approaching? June has been such a wonderful month. The LORD allowed my husband to see another Birthday! I always say we are not getting older we are getting better. Better versions of ourselves day by day. (Lol) I pray all the amazing Fathers had a wonderful Father’s Day! Since I have such an amazing husband and Father, I decided to celebrate Father’s Day this year by taking my husband on a trip to the mountains in Pigeon Forge TN. The mountains were breathtaking, we all had such a wonderful time. We went with a traveling company that set up several events for us. We started off with a meet and greet icebreaker with games, poolside fun, and a T-shirt contest. Finally, after all these years I was able to create cheesy T-Shirts for myself, my husband and son. This created such a feel-good response from me and a proud moment with my family. We wore our T-shirts with such pride! We also had a parent and children dance off.  I danced so much I had to quit because I was too tired to keep going. Lol! (Out of shape). We also went to a water park full of fun water rides and high slides. I cannot believe my husband and son got me on those high and crazy rides, Lol! We dined at delicious restaurants. There were also activities planned for my son who is a young adult. This was one of the best vacations I planned.

Vacations are so necessary and needed for those who work hard daily, and for Moms and Fathers who day after day display their selflessness to everyone’s wants and needs. I have learned over the years, as stated by my husband years ago, vacations are so much more fun and relaxing when they are planned months in advance. I used to plan vacations sporadically and they never turned out to be relaxing or fun. Vacations are so much more fun and effective when everything is thought out from the payments to all the events once you arrive. Obviously, everything may not fit in your thought-out schedule, but it takes off the pressure of figuring what’s next and the financial burden of a vacation. This worked well for me since I literally had every activity and event planned down to a science.

The mountain air was so clean and pure, the days were long and there was so much to do. About 13 years ago I took my husband to the Pocono mountains and even though we took a horse and carriage ride, rode bicycles, enjoyed the casino, ate lobster and steak, and met amazing couples from all around the world, the trip to Pigeon Forge was so much better. OK, this is strictly my opinion! Pigeon Forge mountains were so much better than the Pocono Mountains. I cannot wait to go back again. Even though I love traveling outside the United States my husband is still concerned about the COVID-19 cases and does not feel comfortable traveling outside the country. Hopefully he will feel comfortable in 2023. But for now, we will explore all that the United States has to offer.


Hello to all my beautifully created image readers, I pray you all had an amazing May! May was a time where all the beautiful Mothers around the world were recognized because of Mother’s Day! I feel that Mothers should be recognized all year long. Not with monetary gifts only but with words “I love you” or maybe with a hug or kiss or just “Mom you are appreciated”! But before I get into that, I pray all of you mothers were pampered, loved, and appreciated! As for me, my husband and son treated me to a wonderful home cooked meal at my request and treated me with some wonderful gifts some good smelling perfume and a beautiful traveling jewelry case.

 As I began to reflect on this month on being a mother, I found an exercise that can benefit us Moms. I find that forgiving ourselves for past mistakes as Moms is very important and vital to building healthy and solid relationships with our child or children. I found myself, and sometimes I still do, constantly focused on the negative parts of me being a mom. I must realize there is no manual to parenting and I can’t always say I did the best I could because there was always more reading, researching and more love and more patience that could be given to my child. All of what I would of, should of, or could have done doesn’t help me or you as a mom.   I have come to the realization that focusing on the negative can never heal my relationship with my child. Think about it, I cannot go back and change past failures, but allowing myself to self- reflect in the present moment can allow me to become a better Mom, now. Consistently beating myself up will not allow me to move forward in a healthy relationship with my son. As Moms we must realize we are not perfect, we all have our flaws, this also includes our child or children. Instead of beating yourself up for past mistakes taking a moment to communicate any present or past failures with your child or children. Listen to what they have to say including their feedback at that very moment. Reflecting with your child or children be receptive to what your child or children have to say. Take the time and ask for their forgiveness and began to effectively communicate to build love, trust, and respect within your relationships. This is the type of exercise will not work overnight it takes practice. For this exercise to work you need to have young kids, teenagers, or young adults, who understands Mommy is human and makes mistakes, the difference is Mommy can take accountability for her mistakes as a mom and we as a family can move on to a better place. I know this exercise maybe easier said than done. Forgiveness takes humility on our part as Moms. As Moms we must realize that we are only human, and we are going make mistakes along the way. Sometimes our best intentions may not be good enough, but we must never give up on being the best Mom we can be. Moms out there write and let me know if you had to forgive yourself as a mom.